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I Don't Care About The Election

Updated: Nov 19, 2020

I don't care about the election anymore and you can't make me.

I refuse. Like a child, I absolutely refuse to pay any attention to it anymore. I don't care. I can't care. For four years this administration has held my friends and I and my community and my friend's communities captive. Four years of watching in horror as every day brought new surprises from that fungus dicked land slug.

Then 2020 happened, and I know that's part of the four years but it feels like an extra year has been tacked on to my life. Day after day, week after week, month after month it was something new, something awful or emotionally draining.

I have lasted three and three quarter years doing mental gymnastics to try and maintain family and friendships with people that have voted for the rotten mango man with roadkill on his head. Trying to understand why they would have voted for him and why some of them continued to support him and how the reasons they give make them overlook everything else he has done and the fear and pain he and his administration has caused so many people. And in some cases I have had to spend the three and three quarter years coming to terms with what this says about some of those friends and family members and forgiving them to try and even maintain that relationship even somewhat.

I have lasted six or so months of Covid-19. Washing my hands and sanitizing them every time I get back into the car, or get back into the house, or even just because while I wait at the register for my change. Not just socially distancing, but straight up isolating myself and taking extreme precautions the very few times I have visited family and friends. I have held back tears when I went to visit a friend in a Covid hotspot and absentmindedly tried to hug her only for her to jog away from me and apologize as she gestured to her porch where there were two chairs facing each other, six feet apart, with a bottle of hand sanitizer by one. I had heavily isolated myself for two weeks just to see my family and her and no one else, we had gifts for each other. Everything was sanitized and sprayed down before being handed over.

It is very hard and demoralizing to watch and hear about people not wearing their masks and saying all of this is a hoax. To see selfish people go on vacations to virus hot spots and see the map of how it spread from one place to another after they went home. The whole time people like you are struggling with the distancing and continuously putting off trips and holidays and wondering when this will ever be over and when life can go back to some semblance of normal.

It was all fun in a sense back when we were all baking bread for no reason. But Keto is back in vogue and this shit has to stop.

I lasted one hour of election day. I had forgotten to send in for a mail in ballot and, frankly, I just don't trust anything anymore. I got up early to get to the polls twenty minutes before they opened. I stood in line for one hour, did my civic duty, then immediately got in my car and drove to the nearest gas station to buy a six pack.

And that is where my mind has left the election.

I want the blissful ignorance for at least one week that Trump supporters have been basking in for four years. And I think that we all deserve that. Even if you didn't vote for Biden, as long as you didn't vote for Trump, you deserve that blissful ignorance. All this time of horrifying knowledge, I want at least one week of not knowing.

I am so drained, and so tired, and I don't know where the polls stand at this point in time and I am so happy about that. And you can't make me care.

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