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Random Thoughts 2.0 The First

I thought it would be confusing for this new blog to just suddenly have a Random Thoughts 11 post, hence the title.

How hard would it really be to teach yourself ballet? I know that sounds super arrogant in a sense, but I was just wondering. I got bored/curious and went to the internet for a google search. Mainly what I found was a bunch of articles touting why you should pay someone money to train you and how you'll kill your feet if you do anything yourself. Even stuff labeled as teaching you how to DIY ballet basically just said, don't do it/you can't do it.

Here's my thing. Someone, somewhere, in like the 1700's (I think, maybe earlier) was the first ever ballerina. Someone had to come up with the dance. I know that en pointe came later around the 1800's. Doesn't matter, someone was the first. They were with their dance troupe and all of a sudden they were like, "look what I can do! It's a tip toe dance! I'm going to call it ballad." and the french were like, "It's pronounced ballet."

Actually, if you think about it, both times there had to have been a first if en pointe came later. There was the first tip toe dancer and then a while later the first severe tip toe dancer who 'anything you can do I can do better'ed them. So someone not just came up with the dance, they came up with the exercises and all that to strengthen your feet and legs and have correct posture. Just like the moonwalk. Granted you probably won't be snapping an ankle if you do it wrong, but still.


So Hurricane Florence is coming and all the bread, milk, eggs, and water is gone from the shelves once more. I live in Baltimore, which is already waterlogged to shit because of all the rain we've been getting, but we mainly get the tropical storm part of hurricanes. I have no clue how badly any of that is supposed to hit us but I also wonder if any of this panic my side is necessary. Granted I say this as a person that lives in a house on a big hill above street level. If anything floods it's going to be because the sump pump pussed out so take that with a grain of salt.

I also don't understand the mindset of someone who is taking all the perishable foods. I remember a couple years ago when I still had one of my shitty Buicks that had at least one window that would not go all the way up at any time. My parents badgered me into getting tape and plastic tarp or trash bags to protect my car from the tropical storm from whichever hurricane was going to blast the east side's collective asshole. As I perused down the aisles of my local Walmart, I noticed that pretty much all the shelf stable foods and canned goods were still there. Of course none of the bread, milk, or eggs were.

If you're that panicked about a storm, about having food or electricity going out...why would you buy things that would then have to be eaten somewhat quickly if that were to happen? I say somewhat because a refrigerator can still keep things cold for about four hours if not opened. I honestly think Baltimoreons are using tropical storms as an excuse to eat ungodly amounts of french toast and egg sandwiches. I'm also sure that some of it is from people that know the crazy toast eaters are on the way and need bread themselves as well. So it's just panic all around.


This was a really short random thoughts post, but the thoughts were slightly long and rambling so I guess that made up for it?

What are you doing to prepare for Hurricane Florence? Are you getting all the french toast essentials? Have you evacuated or are you hunkering down? Either way, if you're reading this I hope that you are safe and that you, more importantly, remain at that level of safety.

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